Je t'aime.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


its silly of me. really.
i havent enjoyed my birthday for a while.
5 years actually.

i hate enjoying it.
because i know that August is just around the corner which means dads aniversary and birthday.
i go into a dark place in August and i hate it, i try not to i do. but i always end up the same each year.

ruins my birthday.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

i love.

i’m louise
i turn 15 in 20 days.
I’m a wodongaian.
I love my friends.
I love my family.
Ilove standing with the boys at lunch because they make me laugh.
I love the boys hugs.
I love all the memories.
I love walking to the bus in the afternoons.
I love Tuesday afternoons.
I love cute text messeges.
I love moes.
I love warm hugs in winter.
I love warm jumpers and trackies.
I love summer.
I love tans.
I love lovely people.
I love people that make me laugh.
I love how i’m short, even though i complain.
I love how im cute.
I love Sydney.
I love Melbourne/Sydney shopping.
I love blonde hair.
I love French/france.
I love facebook.
I love my mum, even though sometimes she annoys me.
I love photography.
I love beachness.
I love my dad and i miss him so much!
i love ‘love’ movies.
I love being organised, even though i never am.
I love the feeling when i have finished an assignment.
I love the feeling when i have past a test, or done better then i thought.
I love when my hair works.
I love Saturday mornings.
I love sunny Sunday afternoons in winter.
I love music that reminds me of people.
I love meeting new people.

But I hate that it took me more effort to write I love… to write I hate…

i hate.

i’m louise
i turn 15 in 20 days.
I’m a wodongaian.
i hate that i died my hair when i was 10 and now i can never get back to my natural colour.
I hate that i have to wear makeup to feel as though my face is half desent.
I hate albury/Wodonga
i hate that my dad is dead and it still brings me to tears everytime
i hate they we were so close!
I hate people who think they know me and are quick to judge my life.
I hate friends that don’t take your side.
I hate the Wodonga bus ferals.
I hate the Wodonga bus.
I hate walking in the mornings.
I hate that we live in wondonga
I hate that i have liked this boy for that long and we don’t even talk anymore
I hate that i don’t want to see him, but i do so much.
i hate that i bite my finger nails.
I hate how i can put mascara on one eye really good, but i cant on the other eye.
I hate that my hairspray make my hair go wave at the back.
I hate that i don’t have a fringe.
I hate that we are slowly drifting apart.
I hate that i don’t sit with savanna and maddie anymore
I hate that me, phoebe and kristian arnt all friends together
I hate that i get so jelous about people
I hate that im so judgemental
I hate that im not nice.
I hate my room.
I hate that i don’t have a style.
I hate that i over think to many things.
I hate my hair.
I hate that i want to hate him so much but i cant!
I hate that i get so jelous, and by looking at a photo of someone it makes me miss them so much.
I hate my feet.
I hate my voice.
I hate that i get so far with boys and then i chicken out.
I hate when people try and tell me how hard THERE life is.
I hate how sometimes i copy people and there style.
I hate that im not close with my brothers anymore.

i hate the word 'hate'

About Me

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finding my place in the world.